Category Archives: Hinkley Bail Bonds

Should Cellphones be Banned by Law in Schools?

Times have definitely changed since many of us were kids. Back when most of us adults were in school, the only thing teachers had to worry about were calculators. Nowadays, students walk around with cellphones that can do infinitely more than a calculator ever could. And, we were told we wouldn’t be carrying a calculator […]

More Reckless Driving in Southern California

Reckless driving comes in many forms. Most people think of speeding and swerving through traffic, and they are not wrong. However, there are other dangerous forms of reckless driving, some of which are on the rise in Southern California. The culprits of these crimes may only be concerned with having a bit of fun, but […]

Exercising Really Is Good for You

If you were to ask someone for a way to stay healthy, there’s a good chance he or she would tell you to exercise. Many people believe that having a more active lifestyle is the key to staying healthy, both physically and mentally. As it turns out, these people are right. A recent study has […]

What Is the Best Meal of the Day?

As summer comes to a close, kids are bracing for their inevitable return to school. Their days of sleeping in and relaxing will be over. In their place will be stress-filled, drowsy mornings that lead to long lectures. In the chaos of getting ready in the morning, it can be easy to forget out what […]

Know Your Rights

Inmates are people too. Regardless of the crime committed or the time left to serve on their sentence, inmates are human beings that deserve to be treated as such. Across the nation, inmates are granted basic human rights that are protected by the U.S. Constitution. Whether you are facing prosecution or you have a family […]

Recent Breakout in Germany

People have a way of making things happen when they really want them to. This is especially true for people who feel trapped when they really want to be somewhere else. Recently, some police officers in Germany had to deal with two men who broke out of their confinement in the hopes of having fun. […]

Road Trip 101

Summer is for lazy pool days, family vacations, and road trips! If you’re like the 80% of Americans who ventured out on a road trip in 2017 then you know that road trips can be a lot of fun. However, they can also be a little nerve-wracking if you’ve never taken one before. That’s why […]

Beat the Heat, Save Some Cash

If you’ve been living in California for any amount of time then it should come as no surprise that it was ranked as the third most expensive place to live in the United States, this according to a 2017 article published by CNBC. While California may be known as the Golden State, that doesn’t mean […]

The New California Law No One Saw Coming

Perhaps one of the more disheartening aspects of law-making is how some laws come into effect. With very little recognition, a new law was recently signed into effect that can, and likely will, change the effectiveness of law enforcement. Assembly Bill 1810 was recently signed into law as a part of California’s new budget. However, […]

Could Prop 9 Be Stopped Before Anyone Gets to Vote?

If you have been paying attention to politics this year in the state of California, you know that we voters have some pretty big decisions to make come November. One of the biggest measures on the ballot this year is whether we want to begin looking at dividing California into three separate states. This is […]