Tag Archives: free bail consultation barstow ca

What Happened to Proposition 25?

What Happened to Proposition 25?

In the weeks leading up to the November election, Proposition 25 was a hot topic. It was designed to completely change the way California’s bail bond process worked. In the chaos that followed the November 3 elections, many of us got so caught up in the presidential election, we forgot about some of the other […]

Financing your Bail

Financing your Bail

The sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach when a judge determines the amount of your bail is perfectly natural. While it is nice to know that as long as you pay the money, you’ll be released from jail, for most people the amount of money required for your release is an issue. Most […]

Posting Bail Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive

Posting Bail Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive

Most people are aware of just how expensive bail can be, however, many are still surprised at exactly how much bail can cost. Here in California, bail costs several thousands of dollars at its cheapest. If you are like most people, you don’t have that kind of money lying around. Luckily, there is a way […]

Don’t Stress About Collateral

Don’t Stress About Collateral

When someone is taking out a loan, there is a more than likely chance that the lender will want something as collateral. That way, if the person doesn’t pay back the money, the lender can get their money back. In this sense, it is easy to see why companies like to use collateral. The problem […]