Category Archives: Bail Bond Articles

Dangers of Sharing Prescription Medications

Dangers of Sharing Prescription Medications

When you hear that someone is suffering from a health problem, especially pain, it’s so easy to reach into your medicine cabinet and pull out whatever prescription you have on hand that you think will help them feel better. The reality is that unless you’re passing out over-the-counter medications, you should squash your urge and […]

What Happens If I Get a School Zone Speeding Ticket?

What Happens If I Get a School Zone Speeding Ticket?

When it comes to the safety of school children, California’s lawmakers aren’t messing around. They expect every single driver to know when they are in a school zone and to drive with even more care. If you’re caught speeding in a school zone, you should expect that the patrol officer who pulls you over will […]

Are DUI Checkpoints Legal in California?

Are DUI Checkpoints Legal in California?

No one likes DUI checkpoints. Not only do they make many of us nervous, even when we haven’t been drinking. There’s just something about getting caught in a checkpoint and seeing a police officer walking towards us that tends to activate a guilt complex, they also drastically extend the length of time it takes you […]

Penalties for Illegal Street Racing in CA

Penalties for Illegal Street Racing in CA

Yes, the Fast and the Furious movie franchise made street racing look like a great way of generating some excitement on a Friday night, but before you gather a group of your friend together to see who can drive the fastest, you should know that street racing, drag racing, and other vehicular speed contests aren’t […]

Providing False Evidence in California

Providing False Evidence in California

The California justice system depends on the idea that everyone who is involved in a case behaves with complete honesty. The problem with this system is that some humans are quite willing to lie to police officers, other witnesses, juries, and lawyers. Providing false evidence on a case is a perfect example of how people […]

Illegally Carrying a Loaded Firearm in California

Illegally Carrying a Loaded Firearm in California

Just because you’re legally allowed to own a firearm in California, it doesn’t mean you have an instant right to do whatever you want with it. For example, while you’re allowed to own a firearm and even carry it with you if that same firearm is loaded, you could find yourself in serious legal trouble. […]

Using a False Compartment to Conceal Drugs in California

Using a False Compartment to Conceal Drugs in California

You should already know that there are some drugs you’re simply not allowed to have in California. Not only does this include substances that are banned either by the federal or state government, but also illegally obtained prescription drugs.  What you might not know is that the way you handle these illegal drugs can lead […]

Ignoring and Disobeying California Traffic Signals

Ignoring and Disobeying California Traffic Signals

Believe it or not, the State of California didn’t put up traffic signs, signals, and lights simply to make your commute more difficult. Despite what it may feel like some days, the traffic signals weren’t created as some sort of vendetta against you. The truth is that they exist because the state’s traffic experts noticed […]

Brandishing a Firearm/Weapon in California

Brandishing a Firearm/Weapon in California

The idea of brandishing a firearm and making threats might seem like it would be a fun way to liven up an otherwise boring afternoon, but if you do, you’ll find that the moment of fun isn’t worth all the legal headaches you’ll face as a direct result of your stunt. In California, it’s illegal […]

Auto Burglary in California

Auto Burglary in California

There’s no denying that car theft is a serious problem. In 2019, 151,244 cars were reported stolen in California. That adds up to a car being stolen every 3.5 minutes. The estimated overall value of these thefts is approximately $1.2 billion. Given the toll auto thefts take on law enforcement resources and the economy, it’s not surprising […]